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Bell'Olio di Puglia

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Apulia: ancient olive groves
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Home Page Bell'Olio d Puglia
Italian Food Recipes with Extra Virgin Olive Oil

With the Bell’Olio di Puglia Italian Recipes, you will enter in a world of true tastes, made of genuineness and passion for healthful food. A pleasure trip to discover the most ancient apulian culinary traditions, which are considered of high gastronomy.

Apulian Starters
Apulian Calzone
Mussels au Gratin
Apulian Salted Focaccia
Cardoncello Mushrooms au Gratin
Lampascioni Lessi
Apulian Main Dishes
San Giovanni's Macaroni
Orecchiette with Cime di  Rapa
Meatsauce with Horse Chops
Rice Potatoes and Mussels
Spaghetti with Shellfish
Spaghetti with garlic, oil and Chilli pepper
Spaghetti with Mussels
Apulian Side Dishes
Bowls of Staffed Aubergines
Fish Soup
Apulian Desserts
Dried Figs
Santa Lucia's Eyes

Apulian Calzone
Ingredients for 4 persons: gr. 400 of flour, gr. 25 of yeast, extra virgin olive oil, four hard-boiled eggs, gr. 150 of salami cut in little cubes, gr.150 of mozzarella, gr. 100 of peeled tomatoes pulp, salt, pepper.
Put the flour on the pastry board and pour in its center the yeast dissolved in lukewarm water, the salt, 2 spoons of extra virgin olive oil and knead well. Let the dough to rise in a floured tureen covered with a cloth, for at least 2 hours, then knead it again for some minutes. Divide the dough into two disks with a thikness of half a centimetre. Put on the firs disk the hard-boiled eggs cut into pieces, the salami, the mozzarella also cut into pieces and the tomato cut in slices. Salt, pepper and cover with the other disk of dough. Cook the calzone in a hot oven at about 200° till it'll have a golden colour.
Mussels au Gratin
Ingredients: 1Kg. of mussels, parsley, 5 eggs, extra virgin olive oil, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper.

Open the well cleaned mussels and leave the fruit in one half of the shell. Put the mussels in a baking tin moist with salted water. Dress them with breadcrumbs, minced parsley, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Put into the oven the baking tin and, when it is almost cooked, pour on the mussels the beaten eggs with salt and pepper.

Apulian Salted Focaccia
Ingredients for 4 persons: gr. 300 of white flour, gr.15 of yeast, fresh tomatoes, garlic, oregano, salt, extra virgin olive oil.
Put on the pastry board the flour and the salt. After having formed the “fontana”, pour the yeast dissolved in a little of lukewarm water. Knead adding some other lukewarm water to obtein a soft kneading. Wrap the dough in a floured cloth and put it in a tureen in a lukewarm place, to rise for 2 or 3 hours. Then take the dough and, after having floured it, knead it well in a single piece. At this point oil a baking tin with extra virgin olive oil and roll the dough in it with your hands. Put in the dough some garlic cloves and some tomato pieces. Add salt and oregano in the right quantity. Oil the focaccia with extra virgin olive oil then put it in a lukewarm place, covering the baking tin with a cloth. Cook it in a hot oven (about 230°)
Cardoncello Mushrooms au Gratin
Ingredients: 1 kg. of cardoncelli mushrooms, soft part of dry bread, extra virgin olive oil, 2 minced garlic cloves, parsley, salt, pepper.
Polish the mushrooms then wash them under running water. Dry them gently and then put them in a baking tin oiled with extra virgin olive oil, with the stem turned upside; separately mix a little of the soft part of dry bread with a handful of minced parsley, 2 minced garlic cloves, salt and pepper. Spread this mixture on the mushrooms, then add a little extra virgin olive oil. Cook in oven at 170° for about 30 minutes.
Lampascioni Lessi
Ingredients: gr. 500 of lampascioni, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper, vinegar.
Wash repeatedly the lampascioni. Let them in cold water for one night to eliminate the excess of bitterness; the day after rinse them. Boil them in salted water. Strain them and serve them hot with extra virgin olive oil, pepper and a little of vinegar.
San Giovanni's Macaroni
Ingredients: gr. 350 of pennette (penshaped pasta), 12 black olives, gr. 400 of peeled tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, 4 boned anchovies in brine, apulian "pecorino" cheese, gr. 30 of salted capers, garlic, salt, parsley, pepper or chilli pepper.
Put the garlic in a pot with extra virgin olive oil and make it brown. Add the cut anchoves and let them melt. Add the peeled tomatoes, the capers, the stoned olives and pepper (or chilli pepper) and cook for about 10 minutes. At the same time cook the pennette in salted water. Strain them and dress them with the condiment that you have prepared, adding some apulian "pecorino" cheese.
Orecchiette with Cime di  Rapa
Ingredients: gr. 500 of orecchiette (pasta), gr. 600 of cime di rapa (turnip-tops), 4 boned anchovies in brine, gr. 100 of extra virgin olive oil, red chilli pepper, garlic, salt.
Wash abundantly the "rape" in cold water, choosin only the tops. Boil abundant salted water in a pot and plunge the orecchiette. After some minutes add the "cime di rapa". At the same time heat in a frying pan the extra virgin olive oil and add 2 minced garlic cloves, a red chilli pepper and 4 boned anchovies cut into pieces. When the garlic is browned, take away the frying pan from the flame. Once cooked, strain the orecchiette with the cime di rapa and put them in a bowl dressing them with the hot condiment. Mix up and serve soon.
Meatsauce "ragù" with Horse Chops
Ingredients: gr. 500 of slices of horse meat, gr. 200 of tomato sauce, gr.100 of bacon- fat , extra virgin olive oil, gr. 50 of fresh pecorino cheese, garlic, onion, chilli pepper, white dry wine, salt, parsley, basil.
Put on each slice of meat, after having made them thin with the meat pounder, the pecorino cheese and a little of cut bacon-fat. Wrap the horse chops and close them with some toothpicks. Put the horse chops in a pan to brown with minced onion, extra virgin olive oil, the remaining bacon-fat and a little white dry wine. Add the tomato sauce, the chilli pepper, the basil and cook for about 2 hours, adding, from time to time, some water to avoid that the meatsauce "ragù" becomes too thick.
Rice Potatoes and Mussels
Ingredients: gr. 300 of rice, 1 garlic clove, onion, parsley, gr. 500 of potatoes, extra virgin olive oil, 1 kg. of mussels, pepper.
Wash the mussels in abundant water; put them in a pan to open them at low flame, together with the minced garlic. Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Cover the bottom of a baking tin, oiled with extra virgin olive oil, with a part of the potatoes, add pepper, minced parsley and onion. Add the mussels, cover them with the rice and finally cover all with the remainig potatoes and minced parsley and onion. Add a little of extra virgin olive oil, pepper and cover with water in addition to the water of the cooked mussels. Cook in an oven at a medium temperature, for about 45 minutes.
Spaghetti with Shellfish
Ingredients for 4 persons: gr. 600 of mussels and clams , gr. 300 of spaghetti, gr. 200 of crayfishes, half a glass of extra virgin olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, 1 ripe tomato, minced parsley, salt, pepper.
Put the mussels and the clams in a frying pan on a moderate flame for 5 minutes, to open them, shaking them from time to time; then wash and shell the crayfishes. Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a pot on a moderate flame and cook for 1-2 minutes, the minced garlic. Add the parsley and then the tomato peeled and cut into fillets. Then add the crayfishes and the shellfish and, after some minutes, turn off the gas. At the same time cook the spaghetti in salted water, strain them and dress them with the condiment that you have prepared.
Spaghetti with garlic, oil and Chilli pepper
Ingredients for 4 persons: gr. 300 of spaghetti, 4 spoons of extra virgin olive oil, 2 garlic cloves, 1 chilli pepper, salt.
Cook the spaghetti in salted water. Brown the garlic cut into little slices with the chilli pepper, in the extra virgin olive oil for 3-4 minutes at low flame. Strain the spaghetti and dress them with the condiment.
Spaghetti with Mussels
Ingredients: gr. 500 of spaghetti, 1 kg. of mussels, a garlic clove, parsley, gr. 500 of peeled tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper.
Wash and open the mussels with a knife. Brown a little of extra virgin olive oil with the minced garlic and parsley, in a frying pan. Add the mussels, with the peeled tomatoes cut into pieces, a little salt and pepper. Mix up and cook at low flame for about 15 minutes. At the same time cook the spaghetti in little salted water, strain them and dress them with the mussels's condiment.
Bowls of Staffed Aubergines
Ingredients for 4 persons: 6 round and little aubergines, gr. 150 of black olives, salted capers at pleasure, gr. 300 of peeled tomatoes, some anchovies, extra virgin olive oil, oregano, slices of mozzarella, salt and pepper.

Empty the aubergines of almost all their pulp and after having cut it into little cubes, put it in salted water to avoid it to become black.
Heat the extra virgin olive oil in a pan , add the anchovies and melt them in the hot condiment, add the tomato, the olive pulp end capers. Dress with a little pepper and also add the aubergines pulp dripped and dried. Cook for at least 10-15 minutes. Put this mixture in the empty aubergines and put them in an oiled baking tin, cover them with cheese and cook in hot oven at a moderate temperature.

Fish Soup
Ingredients: 2 kg of assorted fish (scorpion-fish, octopus, squid, cuttlefish, mussels, clams, etc.), gr. 500 of peeled tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, celery, onion, parsley, salt, pepper.

Wash, scale and eliminate the entrails from the fishes. Wash and open the mussels and the clams leaving the mollusc in the valve. Brown the minced onion and the celery with the extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan. Add the peeled tomatoes, the minced parsley and cook for some minutes. Add the cuttlefishes and the squids and after 5 minutes, add the shellfishes, the scorpion-fishes cut into pieces and all the other fishes. Pepper, salt and continue cooking for half an hour with the pan covered. Serve hot.

Ingredients: 1 Kg. of white flour, gr. 200 of white dry wine, vincotto of figs or honey, cinnamon in powder and icing sugar, gr. 200 of extra virgin olive oil, gr. 10 of salt, tepid water.

Put the flour on the pastry board the flour, pour in its center the wine lightly warm and the extra virgin olive oil. Knead adding 1/2 l. of tepid water ligthly salted and leave the mixture to stand for about 5 hours. Roll out the dough with the rolling pin; cut some strips 3 or 4 cm. wide. Fold in two the strips and unite them at intervals of 3 cm. creating some concave spaces between the unions. Roll up the strips on themselves and leave them dry and stand. Fry the cartellate in abundant hot extra virgin olive oil. Then immerse them in vincotto of figs or in honey and sprinkle them with cinnamon and icing sugar.

Dried Figs
Ingredients: figs, toasted almonds, dark chocolate into pieces, grated lemon peel, fennel seeds, bay leaves.
Cut into two halfs the ripe figs, without separating the two halfs. Dry them protecting them with a veil and turning them round twice a day and minding to re-enter them at night. Insert an almond in every dried fig, a little of grated lemon peel, 2 or 3 fennel seeds and a little of chocolate. Close the figs and cook them in an oven at 180° for about 20 minutes. Keep them in glass pots with some bay leaves.
Santa Lucia's Eyes
Ingredients: 1 kg. of flour”OO”, gr. 200 of extra virgin olive oil, gr. 200 of white dry wine, a pinch of salt.
Knead the flour with the extra virgin olive oil, the wine and the salt till you obtein a soft mixture. Roll out the dough and shape it as little sticks. Realize some taralli and cook them in an oven at 150° for about 20 minutes. Once cooked plunge the taralli in the icing that you have previously prepared and let them dry.
Bell’Olio di Puglia: a pleasure trip to discover the most ancient Italian Recipes.
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olive oil tree
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